cpX.Energy Recipe collection


Nico Bachmann:  Huckelkuchen (hill cake)  


7 egg yolk 
7 tbsp oil 
7 tbsp flour  
7 tbsp rum (40%)  
1/3 cups butter 
½ cup icing sugar 

First, mix the egg yolks, oil and rum well together and then fold in the flour.  

Spread the liquid batter with a spoon onto a baking tray lined with baking paper and bake in the oven at a high temperature of approx. 220-240°C until golden brown. The little hills will form. 

Then brush the cake with melted butter so that small lakes of butter are formed in the valleys.  

When the butter has set, sprinkle with powdered sugar. 

Graphic: designed by prostooleh - Freepik.com

Enjoy your cake!