cpX.Energy Recipe collection

Ulrike Panhans:  Herring salad (East Prussian recipe)  

My personal tradition for the past three to four years has been ice swimming on Christmas morning in one of the lakes of Leipzig (usually the Störmthaler See). My family is watching me in dismay. In short, I’m the only one who is actually in the water. At first, it takes surmounting the cold, but the feeling afterwards is indescribable. You’ve practically earned the gluttony afterwards. 

I also really like the idea of ‘Rauhnächte’ (to take the time for certain rituals between Christmas and Epiphany Eve). It’s become popular recently and even if I’m not into burning incense, I like the idea behind it. The rituals are for reflecting the past year and the year to come. That’s what I want to do with my children this year. There are now even several books especially for children about it. 



5 eggs  
5 herrings  
1-2 apples  
1 onion  
¾ cups sour creme 
1 gherkin  
lemon juice 
optional: potatoes 

First, the eggs must be hard-boiled, quenched, and left to cool, until they can be peeled.  

Then remove the skin and bones from the herrings and peel the apples and onion. Some of the herrings can also be replaced with boiled potatoes. 

Now, the eggs, herrings, apples, onion, and gherkin can be cut into cubes and put together in a bowl.  

Finally, stir in the sour cream and season it with sugar, pepper, and a squeeze of lemon juice.  

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Enjoy your meal!