cpX.Energy Recipe collection

Luan Ta: Goi Cuon (summer rolls) 


Rice paper 
Rice noodles 
Iceberg lettuce 
Coriander greens 
Thai basil (recommended) 
Peanut kernels (not salted) 
Prawn(s), cooked 
Hoisin sauce 
Peanut sauce 


fried tofu 
bean sprouts or spring onions 
chives (recommended) 
fried beef 

Cook the rice noodles until they are done. Boil the prawns and pork and keep the stock for the sauce. Cut the meat into strips about 0,2 inch thick and halve the prawns lengthways. Wash the herbs, iceberg lettuce, etc. (of course :D).  

For the sauce:
Peel and finely chop the garlic, heat the oil in a pan and fry the garlic without letting it brown. Add the peanut sauce and hoisin sauce and reduce the heat. Pour in the cooked prawn and pork stock. Season with salt and sugar to taste.  

If you like fish sauce, you can also add some (it will be better!). Finally, chop the peanuts and add them.  

Briefly pass the rice paper through water one by one until it is reasonably soft, cover with the desired ingredients and roll up.  

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Enjoy your meal!