The German Federal Network Agency relies on 15-minute load profiles for the hydrogen market - cpX.Energy Hydrogen is ready

| minute read

Sopra Steria is developing a new, orchestrated, and extended hydrogen solution called cpX.Energy Hydrogen based on the cloud platform solution cpX.Energy. This solution is designed to cover all market functions, including generation, transportation, storage, balancing, and sales.

In the ongoing determination procedure in the matter of the hydrogen balancing and balancing base model (WasABi), the German Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) has taken a clear position on metering and balancing in the 15-minute intervals. This approach takes into account the low flexibility in hydrogen networks while simultaneously creating the conditions for integration into the electricity market (sector coupling).

cpX.Energy offers customers from the trading and system operator market a SaaS solution for mapping their core processes for various commodities with different load profile granularities. The cpX.Energy Hydrogen solution supports 15-minute load profiles in addition to the hourly intervals specified in the gas market and is therefore optimally prepared for use in hydrogen networks.

Building on the established processes in the field of hydrogen blending, cpX.Energy Hydrogen also enables remote meter reading and energy determination in fully hydrogen networks. Sopra Steria works with long-standing partners, such as meter manufacturers in the field of volume and gas quality measurement to continuously adapt cpX.Energy to market requirements and regulatory specifications - for electricity, natural gas and hydrogen.
