Learn about the future of “Digital Platform Management” with our latest study

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The digital disruption sparked the rise of a wide range of new digital platforms. For many companies, such platforms have become a key aspect of their corporate strategy. Inspired by the success of major tech and social media corporations, many companies develop their own platforms. Some sectors have spawned platforms that enabled new business models and shook up established supply chains.

In close cooperation with Prof. Dr. Tilo Böhmann (Universität Hamburg), Prof. Dr. Paul Drews (Leuphana University of Lüneburg) und HITeC (Hamburg Informatics Technology Center), Sopra Steria Consulting analysed the challenges of Digital Platform Management and ways to tackle them.

The results of the studies are now available on Sopra Steria Consulting’s “Digital Excellence” blog:



https://www.soprasteria.de/newsroom/publikationen/studie/studie-digital-platform-management (German only)
