The integration of the new gas transmission solution for Energinet Gas TSO A/S has already been in full swing for several weeks. Sopra Steria's cpX.Energy platform provides a new gas transport management system for the Danish transmission system operator with the following functional blocks:
- Capacity marketing
- Transport nomination and matching
- Balancing
- Contract billing
- Market communication
- Portal service
Sopra Steria's modern cloud solution cpX.Energy supports Energinet Gas TSO A/S in its commercial transport processes. With cpx.Energy, the Danish TSO can offer its customers and partners the best possible service and is thus well-prepared for the future.
Energinet is an independent public enterprise owned by the Danish Ministry of Climate and Energy. They own and operate the transmission systems for electricity and natural gas in Denmark. Energinet continuously develops these electricity and gas grids to incorporate more sustainable energy, maintain the security of supply and guarantee equal market access to the grids.