The Regulation on Wholesale Energy Market Integrity and Transparency (REMIT) is a key concern of the EU to combat insider trading and market manipulation in the wholesale energy market.
Recently, the newly developed REMIT functionality of cpX.Energy has become available on the platform and is being used by SEFE Securing Energy for Europe. It provides significant support to SEFE in contract management, greatly facilitating the reporting of bilaterally concluded contracts to the European regulatory authority ACER.
For non-standard contracts (table-2), the closing report can be generated with a single click after entering the contract data. For closing reports on standard contracts (table-1) as well as for execution reports, the generation and dispatch are fully automated. The entire project, from conception through implementation in the cpX.Energy standard and introduction to production, was accomplished in a short time frame thanks to the excellent cooperation.
The new functionality has already met with lively interest from other customers in the forum for energy suppliers and balancing group managers.