With the current format change, RWE Supply & Trading is employing the powerful, cloud-based software cpX.Energy with the .MACO module for essential processes in energy suppliers' market communication.
The newly introduced module facilitates a seamless switch of supplier for electricity (GPKE) and gas (GeLi). Additionally, it ensures the efficient import of MSCONS and INVOIC messages from the grid usage billings of participating system operators. All processes were introduced and tested collaboratively in a compact project.
Furthermore, Sopra Steria has integrated new processes into the software solution: The market processes for generating market locations (MPES) assign these locations to receiving suppliers for direct marketing and to balancing groups.
In addition, the data required for EEG marketing is forwarded to the respective transmission system operator.
By doing so, we close a significant gap in market communication processes and ensure that cpX.Energy fully meets the requirements of our customers and the energy market.