New scenarios in the European gas market require more flexible congestion management

| minute read
Everyone is talking about the gas shortage, but what really happens when less gas is available than is needed? 
Sopra Steria discussed and answered this question together with the transmission system operators: A new algorithm was implemented in the software for capacity and nomination management. This allows a band to be placed in the interruptible part of the transport nominations that caps the amount of interruptible transportable gas. The associated bottleneck assistant supports the processing of interruption requests and the use of interruption and reduction potentials. 
This solution from Sopra Steria offers the advantage of meeting the requirements of the market area manager Trading Hub Europe and, on the other hand, allows the market to react flexibly to the shortage. 
Congestion management includes all measures used by a network operator that aim to avoid or eliminate line overloads caused by network bottlenecks. 
The newly implemented functionality was made available both in the on-prem software GAS-X and on our platform cpX.Energy. 