Just in time for the opening of the new Baltic pipeline by government representatives from Denmark, Poland and Norway, Energinet's newly established gas transport management system based on the cpX.Energy platform solution is launched.
This means that up to 10 billion cubic meters of Norwegian natural gas per year can be transported eastwards from the Europipe II. The Baltic Pipe is a roughly 900-kilometer branch from the existing Europipe II route, which runs from Norway through the North Sea to Lower Saxony.
The EU has included Baltic Pipe in its list of most important infrastructure projects. This is due to the essential role that Baltic Pipe will play in the development of the European internal gas market and in strengthening the security of supply of the EU in the future.
The cloud-based solution supports all TSO processes of capacity marketing, commercial dispatching, accounting and transport billing. The European and national market communication processes (ENTSOG, Edig@s, AS4) were also completely mapped on our scalable platform solution.
By integrating the transport management processes into the cloud as part of a software-as-a-service (SaaS) model, Energinet no longer needs on-site infrastructure and software.

Graphic: cpX.Energy for TSO
Energinet is the Danish transmission system operator for gas and electricity and owns and operates the entire electricity and natural gas transmission network in Denmark.