GASPOOL-TTF: Virtual Interconnection Point Completely Handled via GAS-X

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As of 1 April, a new Virtual Interconnection Point VIP-TTF-GASPOOL will be set up for gas transport between the Dutch TTF market area and the German Gaspool market area, as agreed upon by transport system operators Gasunie Deutschland, Gastransport Nord (GTG) and Gascade as well as the Dutch Gasunie Transport Services. Both VIPs, for H-gas and L-gas, are operated by Gasunie Deutschland. GUD will offer all available capacities through auctions on the Prisma capacity platform. For gas transport between the TTF and Gaspool market areas, customers can book capacities at the VIP-TTF-GASPOOL-H starting in March 2020.

The VIP GASPOOL TTF is Germany's first VIP for which all participating system operators on the German side use GAS-X to handle both marketing and processing as well as allocation and billing.
