Cloud-based Gas Storage Management System for Denmark

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Sopra Steria has implemented a new state-of-the-art storage management and processing system on the cpX.Energy cloud platform for Gas Storage Denmark (GSD).

The new storage system will enable GSD to process more customised products to complement its existing products. In addition to allocating interruptible capacity through over-nomination, GSD will be able to offer interruptible capacity in predefined priority for interruptible and other non-standard products.

In the new storage system, GSD also covers the hourly processes in commercial dispatching. The storage solution was not only converted to cloud operation for this purpose, but also expanded to include the following aspects:

  • Nomination & matching
  • Storage-specific congestion management
  • Technical market communication in EDIGAS
  • Connection to communication partners via AS4
  • Integrated customer web portal with master data and transaction data information as well as self-service portlets for storage bookings and trading transactions (commodity and capacity transfer)

Gas Storage Denmark manages Denmark's two underground gas storage facilities - the pore storage facility at Stenlille and the salt cavern facility at Lille Torup in northern Jutland. The total working gas volume of the two storage facilities comprises about 10 TWh.

The storage operator is a wholly owned subsidiary of the state-owned company Energinet. The company owns and operates the gas and electricity infrastructure in Denmark.
