The APMON tool is used for status control and tracking of all important system integration processes: The process monitor offers customisable views that can be set up depending on the context of specialised processes. Thereby, business objects that are the focus of the monitoring can be brought to the foreground in the respective views. APMON can therefore be used regardless of market role and business modules.
The monitor offers significant added value for the following tasks:
- Status control: Analysis of the quantity of messages and search for statuses (Have there been any errors in the last few days?).
- Troubleshooting: Search for specific processes and error analysis based on the process steps or artifacts in the process step.
- Message search: Search for messages from external systems, e.g. registrations or bookings of a specific gas shipper via PRISMA.

The integration of the process monitor APMON allows effortless switching to or from the relevant business dialogues.